Legal Notices

You are on the official website of the village of MONTIGNIES-LEZ-LENS , part of the entity of the municipality of LENS

The consultation of the site of the site implies the unreserved acceptance of the general conditions of use mentioned below.
Protection of personal data, on the montignies-lez-lens website:

  • No personal information is collected without your knowledge.
  • No personal information is disclosed to third parties.

Collection of statistical data:
In order to better understand the frequentation of the site and to offer you ever more interesting pages, we measure (mainly) the number of pages viewed, visitors, visits as well as the activity of visitors to our site. and their return frequency.
For our part, we do not collect any statistical data on our visitors.
We use the services of the company WEBNODE.COM (our host).
Under no circumstances does the processing of this statistical data allow us to identify the identity of the people who come to browse the site.
Electronic messages sent to the webmaster are kept by him as private correspondence. Under no circumstances are your email addresses given to third parties. We strive to respond to all messages we receive as soon as possible.
Your messages can however be re-routed to the person who, within our club, is concerned by the subject of your email (teachers, director, members of the office). The information you give us when sending an email is therefore intended to respond to you or provide an answer to your comments, suggestions, etc. concerning the village, the site or more broadly community life in Montignies-Lez-Lens.
Information contained on the site:
The information provided on the website is for information purposes only. The site cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information published on the site. The webmasters make every effort to provide users with available and verified information and/or tools, but cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions, or the lack of availability of information and services. Despite all the care taken for the creation and updating of this site, errors, inaccuracies or omissions may remain as well as problems of connection to the site or interruption of connection.
Consequently, the user acknowledges using this information under his exclusive responsibility.
Right of access and rectification:
If personal data concerning you or your relatives is disseminated on this site or if you have sent us e-mails, in application of the laws in force in Belgium, you have the following rights:

  • the rights to access and rectify this information.
  • the right to delete this information.

You can exercise these rights at any time by sending an email to the webmaster
Give us a period of about one week, except during holidays and other holidays (reminder: the site is managed by volunteers).
This entire site is subject to Belgian legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction and representation rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents and iconographic, photographic and video representations.
Reproduction of all or part of this site on any medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited, except with the express authorization of the committee.
Connections :
The site offers links giving access to third-party and independent sites over which it has no control. The insertion of these links does not imply any approval or the existence of a partnership with these sites. The fact that these sites are referenced on the site in no way engages its responsibility. The installation of a hypertext link allowing access to the site is subject to the prior and unequivocal agreement of the webmaster.
The website cannot therefore be held responsible for either the content or the use of:

  • Sites to which links offered on point.
  • Sites containing a link giving access to the site.

Technical information:
The site was developed with the WEBNODE.COM site manager

For any additional information, please contact us via

The webmaster